The SEO Company was established in October 2015 by Murtaza MK. We are a small up and coming company and over the 6 months we have successfully optimized and secured top search engine rankings for over 60 clients.

Our Articles

Most of the articles on this website were written by Murtaza MK, however some were written by other people. All of our articles are credited to the correct authors. You are free to re-publish them as long as you add a link to the original.

Our Blog

Our blog was launched in Dec of 2015, we are very proud to say that it has been cited by industry leading publications such as:

  • E-consultancy
  • Search Engine Journal
  • Search Engine Land
  • Search Engine Roundtable
  • SEOmoz
  • Techcrunch

Our Directories

We have put together directories and reviews of what we, at the time of publishing, believed to be quality resources. We are not responsible for the content on these sites in anyway. If you would like to suggest a resource, please do not hesitate to contact us.